Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Rivers Cuomo - Alone: The Home Recordings of Rivers Cuomo

Alone cover art
Weezer's frontman presents us with a collection of lo-fi home-recorded demos that, for the most part - "Buddy Holly" being the lone exception - never made it to a Weezer record. There's a reason for that. These songs are nowhere near as good as classic Weezer. The recording quality is also very poor, though considering that Rivers recorded most of these himself right from his bedroom or house, it is to be expected. Even so, I highly suggest listening to Weezer instead (in particular, the "Blue" album and Pinkerton). The best songs on here are "I Was Made For You," "Chess," and "Longtime Sunshine."

Please note that this site links directly to Rivers' personal MySpace page.

For music:

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