Sunday, January 10, 2010

SPOON - Transference

Let me preface this post by saying that I love Spoon. They are the band that I hear whenever I think of my freshman year of college. I fell in love with them that year and I was constantly listening to them. During my junior year of college I got to see them play in Austin, their hometown, at SXSW 2008. The crowd was huge, perhaps because it was a free show, but also no doubt because more and more people were discovering just how good Spoon is. And damn they are good.

Transference is the seventh studio full-length from Spoon. Spoon have been hailed as the kings of minimal rock 'n' roll, and this album has them maintaining that stance. The music isn't minimal like lo-fi music is often said to be; it is minimal because they don't heap on layers of unnecessary sounds. This results in more stripped down songs than you might normally hear from a 'rock band', but that doesn't mean it's not rock and roll. I don't see any of the songs on here being a breakout hit like "The Underdog" off of their last album, Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga, was, but the 11 songs on here are still satisfying and show a band who is known for its consistency continue that trend. While I'm pleased with this release, after only a few listens, it doesn't knock things out of the park for me just yet.

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Hi Slacker Sounds,

On behalf of Merge Records and Spoon, many thanks for plugging "Transference" on your site (street date 18th Jan UK / 19th Jan US) ... .. thanks, also, on behalf of the label and artist for not posting any pirate links to unreleased / newly released (studio) material and, if you / your readers want good quality, non-pirated, preview tracks, then a full length version of "Written in Reverse" is available for fans and bloggers to post / host / share etc at ... .. for further details of the new album, on-line promotions, videos and 2010 shows, check-out the band's official site at and keep an eye on official sources for details of further Spoon news, preview material and on-line promotions.

Thanks again for your plug.
