As I've discovered, the summer months are not the optimal time for me to review music. Swimming, running and biking, baseball games, and more means I'm not spending a lot of time indoors to listen to some tunes. I've got a huge backlog of music to listen to, and Personal and the Pizzas certainly haven't helped when I do get a moment to put on an album. Why? Because when I do have time to listen, all I want to put on is Raw Pie.
I happened onto this New Jersey band by accident, but I stuck around after hearing "I Don't Wanna Be No Personal Pizza". Once I heard the rest of the album, I knew these guys would forever hold a special place in my music collection. They wear their musical influences (Do I even have to spell them out? Ramones, Stooges (love the album's title nod to the Stooges' third album), etc.) on their sleeve but they are smart enough to know how to do it right. The spoken intros to some of the songs, the high percentage of songs devoted to pizza, and of course, the tight garage rock playing all combine to make one gloriously fun album. This should be the next soundtrack to your late night parties; if it isn't, you're just not doing it right. Happy Pizza Pie Friday, or more appropriately, Happy Personal and the Pizzas Friday!
They are members of the 1-2-3-4-GO! Records family:
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