My first impression of this is that it just sounds depressing. It really could be music for you to listen to as you think about your broken dreams. We get lyrics like "Who wants something real, you could have nothing. Why not just give up, who wants to try?" on the song "Substance" and this offering from the song "Heartbreaker": "There's a voice in the back of my head that says you're always going to be alone". I just can't really get into music with such obviously sad and lonely lyrics. If I'm down in the dumps, I want music that is going to make me happy, not remind me of how crappy I feel. And if I'm already happy, I certainly don't want to be brought down. So this stuff isn't my cup of tea, but maybe it could be yours if you like downer indie-hipster music. Or whatever. I do like the horns on the opening track. I just wish people wouldn't call Girls a "rock and roll band", I mean, seriously, if this is a rock and roll band then I have no idea what the world is coming to.
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